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Graffiti art or vandalism essay

Graffiti art or vandalism essay

graffiti art or vandalism essay

Aug 10,  · Graffiti cannot be accurately classified as vandalism because the public property is not destroyed, but made to look stunning. Graffiti is art because it is deliberately arranging elements in a way to affect the senses or emotions. Graffiti can also be thought-out as an art that vandalizes property if it is carried out without permission Oct 29,  · Although graffiti artists use their talents to share and express their feelings, until and unless graffiti is done on an area designated for it and by somebody authorized to do so, graffiti in any form will remain to be an act of vandalism and not art. Graffiti done without proper authority cannot be considered as art since immature vandals simply use graffiti as a means Mention the word ‘graffiti’ and what typically comes to mind is something unpleasant and distasteful like indecent language scribbled on a wall of a store or crude pictures. Most graffiti is characterized as vandalism on property that does not belong to the culprit. Graffiti also displays negative graphics that promote some type of vulgar message such as violence, sex, drugs,

Graffiti: Art Or Vandalism Essay Example ��

Most graffiti is characterized as vandalism on property that does not belong to the culprit. Graffiti graffiti art or vandalism essay displays negative graphics that promote some type of vulgar message such as violence, sex, drugs, gangs, and racism. Although street art is technically considered graffiti, it is graffiti art or vandalism essay type of graffiti with positive qualities, but certain figures in society find street art to be, in some way, disruptive. If used properly, street art can be appreciated artistically and socially. Despite the negative stigma attached to graffiti, street art has emerged as a progressive valuable art graffiti art or vandalism essay whose vast history, surge in popularity, and urge for social change warrant its classification as a fine art.

Those who argue that street art is nothing more than graffiti that violates personal property do not characterize it as a valuable art form. Unwanted artwork will cause economic problems with removing the art from illegally used canvases such as building, billboards, and sidewalks. Critics also uphold that there are numerous outlets that people could use that are more tasteful and less destructive. Turkey Stremmel, the co-owner of Stremmel Gallery, suggests that there are other ways to create the murals artists plaster on street surfaces. Artists can easily purchase a different type of medium and create a piece of art, graffiti art or vandalism essay. Thus, critics deem the use of the street as unnecessary, as well as, expensive to get rid of. The amount of street art creates an image about the city that the city officials believe is negative and displeasing.

Finally, critics believe as well as damaging property, street art can encourage gangs to continue with their tagging methods, thus upholding gang related activity. The show casing of street art and graffiti sent out a message to other artists that basically stated the approval of street art and graffiti. However, in the recent years, street art remains a valuable form of art due to morphing into a cultural trait. Many of the pieces have been recovered, valued, graffiti art or vandalism essay, and treasured, serving to carry on a message left behind.

Culture has altered and changed over the years, and now, society has what is street art today, stemming from art created years ago. The rise of the art movement did not come about until the s and gave way to the s. As time went on, many other graffiti artists follow in their footsteps. The concept of street art stuck and still stands today. Graffiti and street art have its own culture and keeps developing and thriving despite the resentment held towards it. In addition, graffiti art or vandalism essay, the definition of street art has taken a huge turn in the following years of its appearance around the s. Now popularized by hundreds of people, street art exhibits have emerged due to the frequent unique pieces of art appearing around cities.

The massive street art movement has gain followers. The sheer number of visitors shows an example of the support street art has claimed for itself. The art one would see in the streets appeals better than the art displayed in cases as a result of the novelty. The artistic creativity has captured eyes, and most people find it interesting and different. Street art has even garnered much respect with art connoisseurs such as Donald Lagerberg, a Visual Arts Professor. Fabon proves an excellent point. The generation of today thinks differently than people did in the past years when street art first emerged. Interestingly enough, many of the survey takers agree that street art brings creativity to a city. The vibrant colors and intricate designs draw them in. Art is moving forward, and this generation likes new.

Even someone like Obama holds some kind of appreciation towards street artists. Street artists are not about making it big or becoming famous; street arts are about conveying a message through their art that will bring people together to relate and interpret the message as a group. Some time ago, many people were not able to voice their opinions live on the news, graffiti art or vandalism essay, in newspaper articles, or over the radio, so many turned towards the streets. Street art is a wonderful way to voice opinions on issues occurring in the world. A great amount of street art is revolved around problems within society, politically and graffiti art or vandalism essay, and provides awareness within cities.

Graffiti art or vandalism essay a way, street art has its own statement on things going on in the world, and since the artwork is out in the streets where everyone can see, there is more of a direct chance for passersby to take notice. Street art has served as a form of communication during many occasions, one being in France during a student and worker revolt in Due to the revolt, many of the TV and radio stations were not available. The French began to look towards street art as a way to know what is going on in society. Literally, the walls were just about the only place people could get any type of news.

Other areas such as Nicaragua, graffiti art or vandalism essay, South Africa, and Argentina have used street art to the advantage to voice negativities of the time or just general oppositions of certain things. Banksy challenges what is known as the traditional norms of art today. To make people think is the goal of artists. I think that for our time street art is no longer a novelty as more and more often we meet on the streets of our cities different pictures, drawings or graffiti. They embellish the grey walls of buildings, roads, public spaces and can appear in any of the most unexpected places. Actually not as it combines a wide range of various kinds of art forms and it is difficult to describe them by one common definition. Generally ,it is a free public art that is inspired by the urban environment and includes a lot of extraordinary styles such as graffiti, wheat pasting, sticker and guerrilla art, video projection, street posters and installations, art intervention and many others.

Street artists use different tools for communicating with everyday people, asking questions about social matters and expressing political concerns. That is why street art often refers to an unsanctioned art as opposition to government initiatives and can be a powerful platform for reaching the public and acute issues. For other artists, urban art is simply an adaptation of visual artwork into a format of public space that makes possible for artists reach a much broader audience and be seen in the off-center places. Street art provides positive contexts that bring about intellectual thinking when it comes to the subject at hand, whether graffiti art or vandalism essay be a social problem or an issues that is happening somewhere overbroad.

From the stone ages to present day, street art has always been around to leave a message and to bring a little color to the bleak streets of New York and California. Street art proves to be a fine art form, becoming a part of a culture that is slowly becoming more and more social accepted and holds a larger meaning than most think. To bring people together, artists or not, is a beautiful thing, like the blending of wet paint on broken stone—a fine sight to see. While people might suggest a flair or style of writing, graffiti art or vandalism essay, these forms fail to qualify as example of superb graffiti art because of a lack of aesthetic qualities and inability to produce a maximal aesthetic feeling in the viewer.

In fact, the tag or individual mark is not produced for artistic purposes. Murals for community enhancement and beautification are also a form of graffiti even though they are not usually thought of this way because most murals are commissioned. These are more colorful and complex. They take considerable amount of skill to complete, and murals can be done in a graffiti art style or a traditional pictorial scene. The last form of graffiti is graffiti art which is the creative use of spray paint to produce an artwork that is graffiti or done in a graffiti-like style, and this the is the concern of this discussion. However, it should be noted that tagging appeared in Philadelphia before New York. With street art becoming more and more widely accepted, some more contemporary galleries have opened their doors to the artists involved.

And so many different types and styles of street and urban art come under that umbrella. The street art world is made up of artists and art lovers from all over the world, all walks of life, and of all ages. Sample papers provided at this site aim to help students determine the structure for their text and find great ideas and arguments they can use. Such examples also can give you an insight into your topic and help determine what major aspects you have to address in your paper. Works Cited Almendrala, Anna. Graffiti In Los Angeles. Huffington Post. Bell, Elizabeth. Survey Monkey. Castaneda, Jeanette. California State University — Fullerton, graffiti art or vandalism essay, 22 Aug.

Costello, Lenore. Citizens Union Foundation, Mar. Graffiti art or vandalism essay, Roger, and Caleb Neelon. History of American Graffiti. New York: Harper Design, Greiner, Zang. Anna Somers Cocks, 07 June MacPhee, Josh. The Nevada Sagebrush — The Student Newspaper of the University of Nevada, Reno. University of Nevada, 4 Apr. Webist Media Publishing, 22 Apr. Wildman, Luke. EzineMark, 28 Mar. Previous Hamlet And Lion King Comparison Essay. Next Drinking age in the U. You might also like. Cyberbullying in the Modern World and its Impacts.

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Is graffiti art? Or vandalism? - Kelly Wall

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Graffiti: Art or Vandalism - Free Essay Example on SupremeStudy

graffiti art or vandalism essay

Apr 12,  · Although the presence is so widespread, there is some controversy about whether graffiti should be considered art or an act of crime. Graffiti is practiced by many graffiti writers and claimed as art. They use the graffiti form as a means of expressing themselves. Sometimes however, graffiti writing is considered an act of crime, or vandalism due to its increased Sep 01,  · Critics argue that graffiti is vandalism. It is known that “Graffiti that is gang related or expresses hateful sentiments is most likely to be unwelcomed in an area”. As a result, the places that are being destroyed no longer have a simple signature, but a drawing with negative messages Jan 24,  · Graffiti: Art Or Vandalism. Posted in: Art, Graffiti, Law, Read more: Essay About Vandalism. the vandals and will enable us to propose more accurate marketing strategies to curtail the mischievous activities of graffiti spraying. (California Vandalism Charges) Area

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