Self Harm Papers Depression And Suicide: Symptoms And Symptoms Essay. A family member could suffer from depression and I decide to study Correlation Between Non Suicidal Self Injury And Suicide Achievement. Correlation Between Non-suicidal Self-injury and Personal Statement On Self Harm Jul 03, · Self-harm is a growing and troubling trend. It’s a frightening disorder, most common among women, where hurt and alienation are expressed by injuring oneself. There are several kinds of self-harm. Self-mutilation and various eating disorders are among the most common forms of self-destruction. These forms of self-harm often lead to suicide Self-Harm. Self-harm is a growing and troubling trend. It’s a frightening disorder, in which an individual who feels hurt and/ or alienated, expresses their feeling through injuring oneself. ‘‘ [Self-mutilation is] without any conscious suicidal intent’’. As said by Whitlock: ‘‘Self-harm is a [severely] overlooked public health issue’’ (Whitlock, )
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Self-harm is a growing and troubling trend. There are several kinds of self-harm. Self-mutilation and various eating disorders are among the most common forms of self-destruction. These forms of self-harm often lead to suicide. There are three types of self-mutilation, self harm essay. The rarest and most extreme form is Major self-mutilation. This form usually results in permanent disfigurement, such as castration or limb amputation. Another form is Stereo-typical self-mutilation. This usually consists of head banging, eyeball pressing, and biting. The third and most common form is Superficial self-mutilation.
This involves cutting, burning, hair pulling, bone breaking, hitting, interference with wound healing, and basically anything that causes harm to oneself, self harm essay. However, cutting, self harm essay, burning, slashing, stabbing, and bruising occurs while apparently no physical pain is felt. As many as three million Americans are believed to be suffering from this psychiatric disorder. The very nature of this problem is shrouded in secrecy. It is no surprise that it has taken some time for people to get wise to this growing problem. There are several different theories as to why one engages in such behavior. There are also several reasons for a need for control. For instance, when children are abused, they are in a situation of no control.
Their abusers can hurt them at anytime, and the children are largely powerless to stop it. When the child grows older and is faced with stressful situations, it is easy to feel out of control. People who have had self harm essay associations forced upon self harm essay frequently cut themselves because it satisfies a psycho-logical desire for pain, self harm essay. Not only is the desire for pain fulfilled, but the pain can be stopped. The person is now in control. Another theory is that the person feels that they deserve the pain as punishment. Abused children have often been taught that they are bad people, self harm essay. Some of these people turn to violence or criminal acts self harm essay order to get the punishment they feel self harm essay deserve.
Most, however, cannot ask others to punish them, so they punish themselves with things like cutting. In some cases, cutting is a manifestation of a desire to become physically unattractive. This is most commonly true of girls who are constantly bombarded with messages that they are beautiful and desirable. Often these girls are victims of traumatic abuse such as rape. They naturally reason that if they make themselves unattractive, they will be undesirable and no one will rape them. Women seem to not be able to express their anger outward. When they feel terrible anger, they often take it out on themselves by cutting or burning. Some psychotherapists believe that cutting may release endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals in the brain which block pain and produce a sense of well being.
Women use this terrible addiction to feel something. Several have numbed themselves to emotional pain. Things like cutting are proof to them that the pain is still there. Often, seeing blood flow is symbolic as an emotional release. Along with the blood, pain, anger, and frustration leave as well. Once someone has engaged in self-mutilation, how do they stop? Psychologist, Barbara Stanley has offered a list of suggestions that may help one overcome the urge to hurt:. Although these suggestions help one to overcome the urge, the pain that caused self-injury in the first place is still very present. Counseling is usually the best answer to help one deal with the hurt they are feeling. Eating disorders go hand in hand with self-mutilation.
Both are forms of self-harm and many who suffer from eating disorders also cut, burn, etc. Both are used to help the individual cope with, block out, and release built up feelings and emotions, self harm essay. Several misconceptions are made about eating disorders and self-mutilation. Although most think that eating disorders are only a way to lose weight, often times, like self-mutilation, it is about gaining control. Weight becomes the one thing in ones life that they can control. Self-mutilation and eating disorders can lead to suicide or at least suicide attempts, self harm essay. Eleven percent of suicides in were a result of girls cutting their wrists. Copeland Lewis 18 Also, self harm essay, suicide, like self-harm is a result of many forms of depression.
Many different things lead to self-harm. More and more Americans each day are suffering from this disorder. It is time for new light to be brought to this growing problem and help needs to be offered. Whether the form be cutting, bruising, slashing, or throwing up, the seriousness self harm essay still great, self harm essay. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. The Issue of Self Self harm essay among Women.
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, time: 42:53The Issue of Self Harm among Women Example | GraduateWay
Jan 01, · This essay will discuss the complex issue that is self harm in society today; although word count will restrict many of the areas this essay will try and achieve an overall balance. The essay will look at the psychological causes and treatments available to service users via the National Health Service Self-harm essay Self-harm started to increase among teens in ; self-harm is when a person harms himself on purpose, whether by cutting their arms and thighs with razor blades or hitting themselves which might lead to broken bones later and some burn themselves also. Some people say that self-harm is useful in releasing pain and tension and it gives a sense of Among young people, more than 5, people kill themselves a year. (Kuehn, 6). The most common methods for committing suicide are: firearms, hanging, and drug overdose. (“Understanding Suicide And Self Harm”). Often suicide acts are under the influence of drugs and/ or alcohol, therefore affecting ones thoughts and actions
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