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Single parenting essay

Single parenting essay

single parenting essay

Single Parent Essay words 1 page(s) Growing up with a single parent is not an easy process for both, a child and a parent, given the potential behavioural and social consequences in the living environment In , Health and Human Services Secretary Louis Sullivan declared that children who come from a single-parent family were five times more likely to be poor and twice as likely to commit crimes. Besides, he claimed that they were more likely to get involved in criminal activities, drug and alcohol abuse Argumentative Essay: Single Parenting. For many years, the society has debated about the social and physical development of children raised by both parents and single parents. For some people, single parenting seems impossible yet it has prevailed in the society for many years. In the current society, the single parenting practice has become an alternative parenting practice and the

Single Parent Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration single parenting essay our free essay samples on any topic. It's time for you to nail your grades! Recently, many discussions evolve around the role of children who were brought up with a single parent. Psychologists and scholars, in general, look at these kids and evaluate their future actions in the societies. For some, it would mean that they will become self-reliant individuals in the society, for others it means a different path. Those who choose another way of leading their lives, often meet various challenges and obstacles, single parenting essay.

As an outcome, they are more likely to commit violent acts or crimes. Thus, one may say that children who were brought up with a single parent are more likely to commit violence than these who come from full families. Children form their psychological image of the world since the early childhood. They would take whatever is given by their parents, single parenting essay. The future of their life choices would help with estimation of the family conditions they have grown up in. Usually, one considered a family with two parents as the most suitable option for bringing up a child.

In such family, children would be given all necessary care from the side of parents. So, one may conclude about a balanced parenting, in that case. Need A Unique Essay on "Single Parenting"? Some of the studies support the argument, too. org, The argument looked at in this essay is rather a demonstrative case, single parenting essay. Besides the threat for committing crimes, children who come from the single-parent families suffer other psychological deviations, too, Particularly, these include a higher risk of involvement in delinquency. Such a deviation may be explained by the fact of lack parental involvement, monitoring and parental closeness. The family structure appears to be a determinant factor for the future socialization of a child. The experience one receives during his childhood years often reflects during adulthood, single parenting essay.

For instance, those who come from families with alcohol-addicted parents are likely to have negative imprints in their memories that come from their childhood. Yet, the process of upbringing as such plays an important role, too. An education is given in a single family often corresponds to the same care and level of closeness as in other families with two parents. The topic of this discussion often becomes speculated, too. Particularly, it determines the single parenting essay from the governmental side towards single families as well as the attitude towards crime.

Particularly, when one thinks of the US policies and its fear of crime, a lot of involved bodies become scapegoats of the perception of crime. Unfortunately, the Bureau of Justice does not track reliably the family background of people who have committed crimes. However, one may find the numbers that are dated back in the years. Although, taking into consideration only the fact of social origin may not provide with a proper survey result. In other words, one shall look at parental employment, origins, social involvement, single parenting essay. Only then, some proven conclusions may be drawn. There is another argument coming from critiques who state that state that mass incarceration may be considered as the fact of actual creation of more single-parent families.

So, the correlation between a single parenting and violent acts single parenting essay appear inverse. InHealth and Human Single parenting essay Secretary Louis Sullivan declared that children who come from a single-parent family were five times more likely to be poor and twice as likely to commit crimes. Besides, he claimed that they were more likely to get involved in criminal activities, drug and alcohol abuse, single parenting essay. So, the message coming from a high-ranking official was rather unpleasant.

Moreover, it leads to a significant media reaction when people started to make their impressions based on the official statement. Thus, the methods for research as well as the outcomes single parenting essay these research remain rather questionable. Certainly, one may not deny the fact that children who come from the single mother families are more likely to commit crimes. This statement may be proved by the research conducted annually. However, single parenting essay, one tends to forget about other factors that are not less important. So, overall one may conclude the fact that children brought up in the single mother families are more likely to commit crimes.

However, one shall keep in mind the fact of official statements and scapegoating that arises from the governmental level. It is unavoidable to forget about other major factors in that particular stance. Why not get a unique paper done for you? Use code: CUSTOM As Putin continues killing civilians, bombing kindergartens, and threatening WWIII, Ukraine fights for the world's peaceful future, single parenting essay. Skip to content Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. Search for:. Order Now. Do My Essay Use code: CUSTOM20 Code copied! Use it at checkout. Let's stand with the heroes.

CO-PARENTING- What they don't tell you about being a single mom!

, time: 20:25

Essay on Single Parenting: Two Parents Or One? | SchoolWorkHelper

single parenting essay

Single Parent Essay words 1 page(s) Growing up with a single parent is not an easy process for both, a child and a parent, given the potential behavioural and social consequences in the living environment Argumentative Essay: Single Parenting. For many years, the society has debated about the social and physical development of children raised by both parents and single parents. For some people, single parenting seems impossible yet it has prevailed in the society for many years. In the current society, the single parenting practice has become an alternative parenting practice and the Single Parents Essay Words | 5 Pages. I grew up in what I would consider. I had two parents who loved me and a sister I got along with most of the time. I never really thought about single-parent families; I cannot recall any of my close friends having only one parent. Growing up with two parents may be normal for me, but for some, it is not

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