Name: Institution: Course: Instructor: Date: reading and writing Experiences throughout Life reading and writing in any language enhances the comprehension of the person who is involved in the study because it ensures that he or she is able to elaborately understand and explain concepts. hellip; For this reason, a learner in a language requires to obtain some skills in My Experience Reading: My Personal Experience Of Reading Words | 4 Pages. My Personal Experience of Reading C. S. Lewis once said “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me”, which is extremely similar to my personal outlook. Novels have given me an extensive amount of rewards over the years Mar 11, · Next, I would like to talk about my reading experience, which include three parts, reading before go to school, reading during school time, self-reading experience. Recall my reading experience over the years, book told me stories, taught me knowledge, and always around me, so I have to say that reading is a very enjoyable blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
Reading and writing experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - words
My Early Reading ExperienceTo begin with, I believe that essay about reading experience is one of the most important skills a person acquires throughout his life. It is crucial that a child becomes familiar with literature at an early age. Reading is absolutely invaluable as it provides the child with certain behavioral patterns, teaches him to tell right from wrong. Looking back at my own experience with reading I must admit that I am very grateful to my parents for introducing me to the fascinating world of literature at a very early age. So guided partly by the desire to enhance my personal development and partly — to keep me out of trouble, my parents dedicated a lot of time to reading to me and later with me.
I believe that my reading experience started before I can essay about reading experience, but the first memories of it go back to essay about reading experience time when I was around two years old. I remember quite clearly that most of the time it was my Mom who read to me. Her soft and gentle voice added to the charm and appeal of the whole experience, essay about reading experience. Sometimes Dad would also participate in our reading sessions, but it was quite a rare occasion, essay about reading experience, because he was always busy. As a child I was very active and enjoyed playing outside, running, jumping and misbehaving. But my Mom knew just what to do when she wanted me to settle down. She would take one of my favorite essay about reading experience and start reading, essay about reading experience.
I was so upset about being deprived of my daily trip to the imaginary world of my favorite characters that I was more than motivated to behave. Speaking about my favorite bedtime-books, I should mention the fairytales by the Grimm Brothers, essay about reading experience. The next stage of my experience with reading was actually learning to read. It started when I was about three years old. Again, quite predictably, it was my Mom who was my instructor. She gradually taught me the letters of the alphabet and we were reading the hardcover brightly illustrated books together. Even before I knew the letters I readily studied the colorful pictures in the books. I do realize now that I was very well prepared for my essay about reading experience reading experience with me performing the part of the reader.
My mom succeeded in developing my pre-reading skills by playing rhyming games with me, completing matching tasks and just making sure I realized what reading was about in the first place Royer. I give all the credit for my successful and fast learning to read to my mom. She made the whole process fun and enjoyable. The transition from her reading to me to me reading by myself was gradual. At first she was the reader and I was the listener. Then we would switch parts — she would read a few paragraphs and then it was my turn to read a little bit. I remember reading seemed rather challenging to me at first, but my Mom was very patient with me and step-by-step we got to a point where I could read almost without any help.
She constantly encouraged me to read till it was I who was reading to her and not vice versa. Once my word-recognition skills were strong reading became faster and even more fun. After this I started getting more and more books among my Birthday presents and Christmas presents, which made me very delighted. To say that reading was pleasurable to me is to say the least. I absolutely loved it. I enjoyed discovering new characters, tracing their histories and sharing my impressions of the book or story with however would listen. But when I was a child the appeal of this book to me was totally irresistible. I must admit that my affection for it is partly conditioned by my love for Christmas as a holiday.
However, the book itself is a true masterpiece. Certain parts of the book were so touching that that I kept replaying them in my mind long after I finished the book. When I first read it, it was not a truthful depiction of the Industrial Revolution, but an exciting ghost story with a clear morale about kindness beating greed in the long run. Speaking about my reading habits today I should mention the following: highlighting and mouthing the words while I read. The former helps me to memorize the information better and the latter helps to improve the understanding of it. In conclusion I should say that my early reading experience was very comfortable and enjoyable. I am very grateful to her for laying the foundation of my reading skills and instilling the love for literature in me.
Works CitedRoyer, James Mike. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. My Early Reading Experience. Accessed April 18, Good judgment comes from essay about reading experience, and often experience comes from bad judgment. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home Life Experience. Academic anxiety? Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. Get your paper price experts online. My most memorable cross-cultural experience. Oppressed Group Behavior: An Experience. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your requirements?
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Essay On My Reading Experience. Learning to read and write English has never been fun when I was growing up. I am blessed to have parents who were educated and always encouraged me to read to her most of the time especially before bedtime and to listen to the 9pm (Nine O’clock). The most challenging point of my life is the vice principle of Apr 12, · Speaking about my reading habits today I should mention the following: highlighting and mouthing the words while I read. The former helps me to memorize the information better and the latter helps to improve the understanding of blogger.com conclusion I should say that my early reading experience was very comfortable and enjoyable Our experiences, culture, and everything about us shapes the people, the scenes, and the messages in a song we hear or a story that we read. Reading lets us escape, question, analyze, challenge, and engage in so many wonderful experiences. I want reading to become exciting again. Word Count: ; Approx Pages: 3; Grade Level: High School3/5(10)
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