A reflective essay is a written piece of literature that focuses on presenting and narrating a person’s experience and how it becomes an instrument towards a change of perception in life. It is a way for a writer to share an important event in his/her life and how it affected him/her so that others may learn something from it Sep 09, · Reflective Account. Recruitment and selection forms a core part of the central activities underlying human resource management: namely, the acquisition, development and reward of workers. Bratton and Gold (, p ) differentiate the two terms: recruitment and selection while establishing a clear link between them in the following way Jan 01, · what is reflective accounts. The legal and organisational requirement on equally, diversity, discrimination and right are, when u working with your co-worker or team member you should provide equal right to everybody. I have to check the batteries of the hoist, brake of the wheelchair, provide safe environment to protect my service user from any harm
A Reflective Account Essay Example For FREE - New York Essays
It provides me with the structure to follow when reflecting Brooker, The cycle has 6 steps which include; Description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. In order to comply with the NMC Code of Confidentiality NMC, and Data Protection ActI will call the service user Mrs M in order to maintain confidentiality. Description On Thursday in my placement I was asked to assist Mrs M with her lunch. Mrs M is 90 years old and has dementia. The two care workers, Mrs X and Mrs Z were to escort Mrs M through to the dining area using a wheelchair. The both put an arm through her armpits and put her on the wheelchair before wheeling her away. Mrs M was then taken out of the wheelchair in the same way and put onto a seat at the table and pushed in, to be close to the table.
I then took over from the care workers. I told Mrs M that I was going to put a protector around her neck, in order for her to have her lunch. I assisted her with her starter, which was soup. Staff then gave me her main meal, which I encouraged Mrs M to participate on eating on her own. Mrs M seemed to enjoy her lunch and ate it all. Mrs X and Mrs Z then escorted Mrs M back to the lounge. Feelings I will now discuss my thought and feelings throughout this account. I observed that the care workers did not communicate with Mrs M when elevating her to and from the chair.
I thought that she seemed fretful unhappy, nervous. I was feeling a bit angry that Mrs M was not communicated with, I thought that surely they can explain what they are about to do and why, reflective account essay. When given the soup, I wondered how hot reflective account essay was, as steam was rising from it and I reflective account essay to admit I was tempted to stick a finger in it to test before I fed Mrs M. I knew that due to infection control and respect for Mrs M I would not be able to do this. I thought that I should wait a few moments, and give the soup a chance to reflective account essay. I spoke to Mrs M about her soup and asked if she liked soup etc.
When Mrs M main meal arrived I reflective account essay it was be good for Mrs M to try and participate in her own feeding. I felt that there would be no harm done if there was spillage, reflective account essay, as she had a protector on which would protect from burns. Observing Mrs M feed herself enabled me to see that although her hand eye co-ordination was not great, she was able to finish her meal on her own. I put the beaker into her hand but she could not get it to her mouth without my assistance, reflective account essay. I felt that reflective account essay spending one on one interaction with Mrs M I was able to get to know her better.
I feel that the Mrs X and Mrs Z did not have effective communication with Mrs M. Mrs M was clearly showing signs of unhappiness when being elevated. It could have been carried out much more effectively through communication, a positive attitude and care. Reflective account essay my time with Mrs M, reflective account essay, I felt that she was happy and comfortable. However, it felt difficult to feed her the soup as the spoon seemed too big for her mouth. Encouraging Mrs M to participate in her own feeding enabled her to be independent and help promote hand eye co-ordination which she seemed to be lacking at the start of her meal.
Spending time with Mrs M has helped me to understand her and her capabilities better, which in turn will enable us to work towards a therapeutic relationship. Analysis I feel that my communication skills were effective in the end. During our time I observed that she was unable to communicate with an open question, reflective account essay. I communicated non-verbally also with Mrs M, through smiling, holding up beaker for her to see. I showed a positive attitude towards Mrs M. Trust is also a component of a therapeutic relationship, reflective account essay. According the NMC code NMC, reflective account essay,people in our care must be able to trust us with their health and wellbeing. It is vital to have effective communication in order for the message we are giving to be understood.
Verbal communication is spoken words, non-verbal is when no spoken words are used, such as; gesture, touch, smile, eye contact, reflective account essay, stance, body language, facial expression, reflective account essay, writing and signs. Mrs M reflective account essay a barrier to her communication due to her dementia. Therefore it is essential that efforts are made to enhance communication in order for her to filter the information she is receiving, in turn enabling her to respond. This knowledge is useful for myself and other health care staff. In order for a person-centred approach to be carried out successfully, relationships between health care workers and service users must be established. Action Plan If I have the opportunity to assist Mrs M again, I will hopefully be able to escort her with another care worker to the dining area myself, reflective account essay.
Communicating effectively to avoid any anxiety that Mrs M encountered on Thursday. I will also encourage Mrs M to participate in eating all of her lunch, with my assistance if required. If I was to feed Mrs M with soup again, I would prefer to use a smaller reflective account essay or maybe even a dessert spoon. The Soup spoon was too big for her mouth. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples Examples Reflective Account. Reflective Account 8 August Hire verified writer. Reflective Account Essay Example. How reflective account essay cite Reflective Account essay Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA.
Reflective Account. Related Essays. A Reflective Account Reflective Account Reflective Account Reflective Account Reflective Account Reflective Account - nursing Reflective Account on Communication Reflective Account on Health and Safety Reflective account of personal values and principles Reflective account of my active listening skills Self Account. A limited time offer! Save Time On Research and Writing. Get My Paper. Popular Topics gender celebrity family of mice and men nutrition leadership arranged marriage alice in wonderlan civilization customer service, reflective account essay.
Reflective Essay (Examples, Introduction, Topics) - EssayPro
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A Communication Based Reflective Essay This essay is a reflective account of a situation in practice where an aspect of communication played a crucial role in the care given. Reflection is essential for health professionals as it helps to prevent habitual practice and improves quality of care (Crawford, Brown & Bonham, ) Sep 09, · Reflective Account. Recruitment and selection forms a core part of the central activities underlying human resource management: namely, the acquisition, development and reward of workers. Bratton and Gold (, p ) differentiate the two terms: recruitment and selection while establishing a clear link between them in the following way Reflective Account. 8 August This is assessment is a reflective account using Gibb’s () reflective cycle. It provides me with the structure to follow when reflecting (Brooker, ). The cycle has 6 steps which include; Description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. In order to comply with the NMC Code of Confidentiality (NMC, ) and Data Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
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